Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Pleiades

I have come up with a Pleiades. I hope it's ok.

Muse~ by Mickey W. Mantle
Marilyn--the talented Miss
Me to think creatively and
Motivates me to become her
Moderately poetic
Mancat ... whose new name is
Mickey "Wordsworth" Mantle.


Tyler said...

Sounds like love you mancat you.

Mosaic Cats said...

You look so thoughtful and pensive and deep there, musing upon your muse.
We thought Pleiades was that exercise stuff Madonna and Demi do. We have so much to learn from your Beautiful Mind, Mickey.

Anonymous said...

My darling Mickey "Wordsworth" Bear,

Awwwww, that is a purr-fect Pleiades! I just love it. You are my muse, too, my sweet dear. But you are much more than moderately poetic; you are delightfully poetic! *smile*

And I also love the picture of you, deep in thought, working on your wonderful poetry with your mancat-poet accouterments!

You make me smile, and as ever, you make my heart flutter with girlcat delight.

Love and whisker-kisses from your Kittypie!

Unknown said...

I will call you Wordsworth from now on.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You are looking so cute~!
Are you trying to type any article to us?

Gretchen said...

Those Pleiades thingys look fun to write. I like the one you wrote to Marilyn and the one she wrote to you. Good going Wordsworth.