Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A salute from some great friends

Look what I found on Zoolatry!
It's a beautiful thing!
Thank you to my friends Maggy, Zoey, and (of course) Ann!
It lessens the sting of not having the Yankees in the play-offs this year!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have something to say

I haven't posted in quite a while.
But I have something to tell you.
I've lost my voice.
First I was hoarse ... then I lost my voice.
This has been difficult because I love to use my voice. I talk all the time.
I was having some trouble keeping my food down, too.
But that seems to have passed.
I still have my purr ... and I'm using it right now.
I came in through the bathroom window this morning ... I can still climb up to the roof and request window entry to the house!
So that's it.
I thought you should know.