Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday decisions

OK ... let me think about this ...
I woke Mom up just after 6 for breakfast ....

then I asked her to let me out the front door ...

then Dad let me in through the bathroom window ...

I've been in and out 3 times already ...

Yup ... I'm going out again.

(Mom ... you need a new camera. This one stinks.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My darling Mickeybear,

*giggle* -- I know what you're going through! I don't go outside, but I can be a very indicisive girlcat... I'll curl up on Mom's lap but if she's working on her novel and can't have both her hands on me, sometimes I think, well, I'll wander off and lie in the laundry basket... but then that doesn't suit me, so I go lie on the bed... then I go to Daddy's desk and see if there are any coffee stirrers to kill, then it's back to Mom to see if she's done working on that novel yet... *sigh*. Sometimes it's rough being a kitty, isn't it? *wink*

Sending a heart full of love and floofysnugglebuggle snuggles and warm whisker kisses from Your Kittypie!