Marilyn was so pleasantly goofy
her kittygirl grin was pearly and toothy
her beautiful eyes were googly this day
she was a bit frothyheaded some might say
"Behold my floofyness and my snuggly self...
I'm quite poofy in the basket on the shelf!"
such a silly snugglebug ... my dear kittypie
"'twas the NIP! the NIP did it!" she said with a sigh.
What fun you had with your brothers and sis
The prize from Henry just couldn't miss!
But Marilyn please, in your heart could you see
To send some of that NIP via airmail to me!
My darling Mickeybear,
Oh, what a precious poem! I am all a-fluff with delight! And *giggle, giggle, giggle* -- I can't imagine anything more delightful than us two 'nipping out together, rolling in the nip and getting it all in our fur, giving each other big googly eyes, then cuddling up in the basket together! Do you think we'd fit in the basket together? Hmmmmm.... we'd find a way, I'm sure! *big smile* and *purrrrr*!
Thank you for your precious, sweet poem. You are such a masterful mancat poet, and so full of sweetness and humor! You make my girlcat heart go pitter-pat and my eyes go all googly, even without 'nip!
Worlds of love and floofypoofy whisker kisses from Your Kittypie!
That poem is awesome! And I'm not just saying that because my name is in it!
Guess what, darling Mickeybear -- I wrote you a poem, too! *big smile* I hope you will like. *purrrrrrr*
Much love and frothyfloofysnuggly whisker-kisses from Your Kittypie!
Very cute poem :)
Awwwwwwwww.....Marilyn must be all a-flutter with such a wonderful poem!
Mickey, I nominated you for an award, pls come to my blog.
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