Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm a mancat ... and I'm not afraid to go PINK for all those brave women who are fighting breast cancer!

Here's a picture of my mom and her friends when they did their last Breast Cancer Three Day walk.


Anonymous said...

My darling Mickeybear,

Oh, how awesome! You look so handsome in pink, my darling mancat, and how wonderful that you're pinking your blog for October! That makes me very happy, and I can't wait to tell my sweet cousin-sister-friend, Gretchen! I'm sure she'll be over to give you happy purrs and thanks!

What a fabulous picture of your mom and her friends -- the Breast Cancer 3-day walk sounds great! They are all beautiful, and they look fabulous in their pink NY Yankees caps.

Thank you, darling, for your sweet words about Brainball -- she continues to get better, and we are all so happy and relieved. *smile* We were so worried about our precious floofy sister!

Much love and snuggly-floofy-whisker kisses from Your Kittypie!

Gretchen said...

That was very sweet of you Mickey, and Jetter. My bean says she's glad to see your mom and her friends doing the walk. My bean isn't strong enough to do that and she said she always wished she could.

Thanks for going pink...I love it!

Daisy said...

Pink is a good color for mancats and girlcats. I am proud of your mom for doing the Breast Cancer Three Day walk.

Unknown said...

Pink is a good color. I think that I might switch over this weekend.

lordjaders said...

Ahhh, the powerrr of pink. And you have a little pink nosie--hee hee, so you can take that wherrreverr you gosie.

I have a brrreast cancerrr surrrvivorrr in my family too.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Pink is a really pawesome colour. Your mommy and her furriends are very pawesome too to do da walk. I can't get my mommy to walk anywhere these days!!

~your protege, Donny-boy