Tuesday, September 11, 2007


My mom was teaching her 4th graders when the principal called her out of the room and asked "Do you have anyone in the World Trade Center?"
The principal didn't go into detail and Mom went back to teaching.
She didn't learn how our lives had changed until noon that day.
You can see New York City from my town ...
That day you could see the smoke from where the towers had stood.
We remember those who lost their lives on September 11th.


Anonymous said...

My darling Mickeybear,

My Mom remembers 9/11/2001 -- she had taken the day off work (she worked at the local university then) and was sleeping in. Dad woke her up and said, "A plane has hit the World Trade Center." She got up to watch the news with Dad, and as they were watching the news broadcast live, they saw the second plane hit the second tower. And soon thereafter, they watched the towers fall.

Words could never do justice to the feelings felt by so many, near and far, the horror, grief, and loss.

To share with you: Mom remembers, too, how she had to run out to the grocery store to get something little like a loaf of bread, a half-gallon of milk, something. And even here in East Tennessee, she remembers that the roads were deserted, the silence and the shock were total.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tragedy.

Much love to you and yours, and warm snuggles and whisker-kisses from your Kittypie. I am cuddling close to you and remembering, too.

ZOOLATRY said...

Mickey, we have a picture for you if you want to email us at zoolatry@gmail.com and we'll send it back to you...
thank you for today's warm and thoughtful posting.

Daisy said...

That is a beautiful remembrance. We should never forget that day.

LZ said...

It was a very very very sad day. Its good to remember how we all found out.


Unknown said...

I second Daisy.

Lux said...

This is a wonderful tribute, Mickey.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

My mommy remembers turning on the radio to her favourite jokester morning show.

And no one was laughing that morning. What they said...she couldn't even believe.

Not till everyone told her when she came into work. Then she heard the news reports. She couldn't watch the news for 3 days.

Mommy remembers that day. And she remembers them. And their families.

Thank you for the tribute.

~your protege Donny-boy