Sur Les Pattes Blanches Savoureuses

Elle marche silencieusement dans la salle
Chercher des scritches de menton.
Et comme scritches venez
Elle soulève sa tête blanche pure
Vers le haut de … vers le haut de… vers le haut de…
Ampèreheure-tel une belle Whitester.
On dainty white paws
She walks silently into the room
Looking for chin scritches.
And as the scritches come
She lifts her pure white head
Up … up … up …
Ah—such a beautiful Whitester.
She walks silently into the room
Looking for chin scritches.
And as the scritches come
She lifts her pure white head
Up … up … up …
Ah—such a beautiful Whitester.
I think I need a French - Cat dictionary!
whoa, that peom is crazy after I ate my nip plant. Oh I get it, it is french! Now it makes sense. I'm sure Marilyn MonREOW just loves it.
Hi Mickey! I really meant to talk to you yesterday. I love that you mean so much to my sweet Marilyn. I would l like to invite you to my elopement tomorrow in Las Vegas. I'm am inviting my children and those who mean the most to them. Marilyn is so in love with you and I find you to be a sincere and honorable Mancat. It would honor me for you to escort her. Again, I meant to talk to you yesterday but my Mommy has been so busy and my computer time has seriously been affected. As it is, I'm losing friends everyday as I'm not able to visit more than a handful of friends at a time. I hope that you'll be able to come. I'll have details later as to where we'll all be staying.
Loving Father of Marily,
Oscar the Puppy Cat
PS You can invite Jeter cause I really like him! He's a great cat!
My darling Mickeybear (Michel),
Oh my goodness, I am highly impressed! What a beautiful poème en français, très belle, très belle, mon chèri! Thank you so much, it is like music in my ears and to my mind! You did an outstanding job, dear.
It delights me that you wrote about my love of chin scritches and my elevator chin, *giggle*.
I will be working on my poème en français to you *smile*.
Whisker-kisses and snuggles from your ever-loving kittypie
Mickey, it looks like you're cuddled in the arms of your bean. Are you? You look so peaceful.
Wow, goodness that is beautific.
You speak French too... très très beau
Tres bien! I didn't know that 'scritches' was a universal word!
Guess what, Mickeybear! My poem en francais is posted. I hope you like it!
Whisker kisses and love from your kittypie *giggle*
C'est la poésie la plus romantique que j'ai jamais lue.
Mickeybear, darling, I tagged you for a meme! I think you will enjoy it -- it's lots of fun. My sweet sister Miss Peach thought it up *smile*!
Beautiful whitester!! Yay!
Pawesome poem, sensei!
~your protege, Donny-boy
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