Monday, June 16, 2008

Mancat Monday

Mom has a new camera ... and she's trying it out.
Here I am relaxing.
She took about a thousand shots ... all the same.


Anonymous said...

My darling Mickeybear,

*giggle*! My Mom took about a thousand pictures of me sitting on one of her bookshelves. She thought I looked so cute sitting there that she took shot after shot after shot after shot of me sitting in a Little Meaty Kitloaf, looking at her. Aren't beans amusing? *grin*!

You look so handsome, my darling dear -- and so relaxed! I'm glad it isn't so hot. Our heat has at last calmed down, too!

Oh, I wanted to mention: Mom is reading the other Khaled Hosseini novel, The Kite Runner. She's loving it. Your Mom might have already read it, but if she hasn't, tell her to check it out. It is absolutely amazing.

A heart full of love and floofyloveydoveysnuggles and warm whisker kisses from Your Kittypie!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Mickey,

It's normal, quite normal.
My michico slave always took the same photo of me, just testing different buttons on the camera, I just hear lots of noise and keep still.

Well, you have done great job on modeling!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We know what you mean. Mum's drive you mad with the flashy box don't they. Still, as long as it keeps them happy.

Tybalt said...

What a handsome and mancatly picture, Mickey!

Daisy said...

You will see, the photos never stop! And then your mom will have to decide on the perfect photo from a squillion, and it is impossible to choose! That's an excellent one there.

Mr. Echo said...

A good camra makes the peeple want to take more pitchurs of yoo. But at leest a good camra can take better pitchurs without the flashy thing so maybe dats a good thing!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You and Jeter, keep up the posing. You're both cute. Uh, handsome.

purrs and tail wags

Kimo and Sabi said...

You should not have to put out any extra effort unless yer gittin' paid fer it - like Daisy.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Lookin' good, Mick. You just have to ignore the camera. At least your mum's taking daylight outdoor shots, so no need for the pesky flashy thing! I hate that the most.

Lux said...

Your mom's new camera must be a good one! Love that picture!

The Furry Kids said...

That is a very handsome picture of you, Mick.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

Sending more whisker-kisses to you, my darling Mickeybear! I hope the weather is nice and not too hot. Much love from Your Kittypie. *smile*

Donny and Marie and Casey said...


~your hippity hoppity dancing Donny-boy and Marie!